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The gas lighter than air, with more applications than you might think. This helium bottle is the same size and is filled to the same pressure as our welding cylinders providing the capability to fill a massive number of balloons, making it perfect for weddings, birthdays, festive parties and much more. The capacity of this gas cylinder makes it a great alternative to disposable party pack bottles and much cheaper for larger parties too. There are a number of fittings which can be used with our helium cylinder, ones specifically for latex balloons, and some which fill foil balloons and larger professional tools with hoses and guns which cater for both types. If you have a large event coming up soon, you will not be disappointed with the value of this gas canister.

ORIGINAL - £96.25 + VAT

PLUS + - £289.58+ VAT

If you do not have an empty bottle to swap, please add the Hobbyweld Bottle Deposit to your basket.

We are generally open between the hours of 7:30am - 5:30pm Monday to Friday and 8:00am - 1:00pm Saturday.

Find your nearest stores opening times here

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