Ladies Midnight Walk 2017 - Your help & support was very much appreciated!

"Dear Griffiths Tool Hire,
Thank you so much for supporting our Ladies’ Midnight Walk 2017, what a fantastic night it was!
On behalf of Nightingale House Hospice I would like to thank you for your support and I gratefully acknowledge receipt of your kind donation of 2 suitcase generators on the night free of charge!
Currently, to date, we have raised £38,000 which is absolutely fantastic, and an achievement to be very proud of. On the night, the sponsorship pledges made by the walkers came to a grand total of £55,000, so we have a few more sponsorships to come in yet, but this year’s event is set to be a brilliant fundraiser!
The atmosphere was amazing from start to finish, especially with the pink t-shirts and flashing head wear, it really was a fantastic sight. Our photographs from the evening are on the hospice website should you wish to have a look. Visit (which leads through to the hospice Facebook homepage).
Once again, thank you for your support and commitment to our fundraising at Nightingale House Hospice. An update from the amount raised will be in our next newsletter which will be sent out later this year, if you would like any further information on any of our events, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Without you, we couldn’t put on such an amazing night, Thank you!
With Very Best Wishes,
Amanda Kinsey
Area Fundraiser
Nightingale House Hospice"